Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22

We are having yet another gorgeous day here in Germany. I feel so blessed to get to experience some of Europe this way. Bradley and I took Dathan on a bike ride from Laura's village over to the Netherlands and back. I mean really, how cool is it that I can easily be in two countries in a matter of minutes?! We then came back and Laura took us over to the NATO base so she and Bradley could take care of some errands. Once Dathan woke up from his nap we drove back over to the windmill I showed y'all the other day. Today was much prettier and fun to explore the grounds.

I'm so glad I got to see my brother and so thankful for Laura's hospitality! Brad is heading out soon so it will probably be March before we see him again. Boo! Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear kari, I cannot wait to see you in person so I can hug you and hear about all the things you did and saw!!! Hugs and kisses aunt susie