Monday, November 7, 2011

First food!

Caroline had her first bites of real food a few weeks ago.  I forgot to document...poor second child!  She sort of opened her mouth...
 But, as you can tell from her face, she didn't really care too much for it.  It was just applesauce.  The sweetest thing, in my opinion.
Oh well, we'll try again.  I'm not really excited about starting this food stage anytime soon.  It adds so much more work!


kati said...

HA! Love little girl.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kari, she will love it more each and every time.. I think, but she's not liking it too much now. LOL little cutie pie!!! What did SJ think of Caroline eating food? She will probably want a taste too, until she really gets a taste. Love you Aunt Susie