I can't believe I took Sarah for her first month checkup yesterday. She is technically one month on Sunday but they were able to see her a few days early. She is currently 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21.5 inches. 50th percentile for both weight and height!
The doctor asked if she is smiling yet...umm, no. But she does track my fingers if I put them in front of her face and move them from side to side slowly. We currently have a couple of nicknames for our little girl. The most common one used is Baby. Real original, I know. The others are SJ and Sister (that one is thanks to the sweet nurse at the doctor's office). I love how Sarah responds to our voices. She can be in the middle of a wail and hear Daniel or me talk and she'll calm down...but only for a minute!
She's a pretty good baby with her schedule. She eats every 2.5 to 3 hours. Sometimes she gets fussy between feedings and at first I would think it was because she hadn't eaten enough. There are about 3 things baby girl gets fussy about. Number one is gas (aren't we all fussy about that!). Number two is a dirty diaper (I completely understand!). And the last reason is she just wants to lie on the ground and punch and kick the air. Took me a little while to figure this one out. Nobody thinks a crying baby would want to be put down and left alone but that's usually what she does want. She always stops crying immediately...it's crazy! Also, she is doing pretty well at night. The last week and a half she is averaging about 1 feeding a night...yay! I think I have figured out that if I give her a fully belly around 10 or 11 then she'll not wake up again to eat until around 4. Then I feed her, change her diaper and she'll sleep until 8 or so.
Cousins...9 month old Carter and 3 week old Sarah
So, here we are, 3 and a half weeks into our journey together and I must say that being a mom is a tough job. Thankfully I have wonderful friends and family that help out with advice and whatever else I need. But, most importantly I have a husband that has taken to Daddy-hood amazingly and will do anything for his little girl. It's very sweet!
What a great picture of Sarah and Carter! I love this girl!!
I'm so glad you got a picture of the fish scale. That's hilarious!
I love that you included the fish scale picture. Oh, Dano and his hunting/fishing gear!!
A fish scale?!! I would expect nothing less from Daniel. That's hilarious!
Sarah is so cute!
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